From Excitement to Full Engagement –A peek into CUI’s journey with B-International
Late 2019 came and with it a piece of news that would shake, invigorate, and excite many individuals at COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI). This was big news that the B-International project has been approved by Erasmus+ authorities. A whopping budget of close to one million euros was simply too much to digest!
The excitement was far loud and more intense than that which was initially felt when the idea of the project participation was shared with the management of CUI. It was thought that this project would only involve some type of capacity building and would primarily involve the development of MOOCs. So a quick decision was made to get the people at the Virtual campus on board, as were seen to be experts in the field of online education.
But then, when details came flowing in and the approved project summary was scrutinized, it came out that it is a far more ambitious project! One that aims to transform the entire Higher Education landscape of the country! Even crossing far wide the boundaries of the participating institutions.
So, there it was! Late 2019! All clear and set to go! Everyone was excited and cheered up! The news is making rounds within CUI that it has secured a prestigious and high-funded capacity-building project.
Words of congratulations and appreciation came tricking down to the International Office of CUI and the offices of the core team. Everyone seemed ready to see true action come forth. Core officials working started analyzing project documents and materials.
But shortly as 2020 dawned in and the pandemic took the world in grip, it came out that delays and challenges will creep in even at the start of the project.
Challenges came but so did solutions!
The project’s work, collaboration, and progress shifted online. MS Teams was first used by officials of the International Office for the first time. Everyone soon realized that time and space barriers can be overcome by technology. In some ways, this transition to online was even more effective!
Though the project had a delayed start, with jumps here and there, it started and started cruising in no time!
Management and Quality teams continued work on the project via Teams. Selection of the location Center of INTERNATIONALisation was done, and procurement formalities were initiated.
Retrospectively, it may be said that much boost to the publicity of the project came when the scoping and questionnaires were circulated among staff and students to evaluate the level of internationalization at CUI. Through this exercise not only was the assessment made but also more individuals were sensitized to the need for further internationalization.
Then another milestone was made when the virtual staff training was attended by the core team at CUI. The contents and delivery had much novelty, so did its effect on the participants. Everyone got that wow feeling!
Everyone saw that Internationalization is not the domain of the International Office! Everyone needs to pitch in for the goal of internationalization!!!
The International Office team got much invigorated by this insight! Now only they shall not be responsible for internationalization but every individual in the university will be! Accountability shifted!!! Simply cool!!!
Today as work is going on to formulate the Internationalization Strategy of CUI, the excitement continues about all the possibilities that exist to further internationalize the institution. As more and more individuals get on board as this strategy is designed and implemented, it will surely create more thrill in the hearts and minds of the CUI family and of course the bigger B-International family.
Times ahead are sure to be exciting times for all.