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The Centre for Internationalisation

The Center for Internationalisation was launched in February 2022. Its purpose is to promote international activities on the CUI campuses. As the first of its kind, it achieves this goal by coordinating events closely with CUI’s local and international partners. Moreover, it is a university hub for every student, faculty, and staff member to become an active part of CUI’s international community. Located in front of the Junaid Zadi library, the Center provides the necessary equipment for everyone to participate in international activities, such as conferences, seminars, exchanges, virtual campus tours, etc. Laptops, a smartboard, and VR sets are available for everyone and easily accessible.

If you have any questions about the Center, please get in touch with the Manager Centre for Internationationalisation, Mr. Fazal Ur Rehman Azad, at fazal@vcomsats.edu.pk | managercfi@vcomsats.edu.pk


The Center for INTERNATIONALisation aims to provide staff at COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan with a framework by which to implement international strategies that support the broader aims of the universities and to provide staff with knowledge and practical tools to implement international activities that support the strategic objectives of both the university and the wider higher education sector.

The project will therefore examine traditional components of internationalisation such as mobility, TNE, and international research, but will also include more contemporary concepts, such as developing international campuses that explore the wide tapestry of international cultures.

More specifically, it aims at:

  • Providing a foundation of knowledge to staff with responsibility for internationalisation will enable them to develop a strategy and policies to support staff in the wider implementation of Internationalisation and the achievements of the HEIs’ measures of success.
  • Inducting staff to consider an international element to their work, enhancing the quality of international engagement, and preparing staff to participate effectively in international collaboration. It will also consolidate the understanding of staff with international responsibilities and build capacity to manage Int within the PC HEIs.
  • We are providing a comprehensive online learning program to support understanding of key concepts, such as Bologna processes, mobility, international research and partnership management, and TNE.
  • Fostering an international campus that will introduce staff and students to global perspectives. This will directly enhance the experience of staff and students, supporting their global skills development and setting a culture within the university to encourage more varied participation in international activities.
  • Supporting Internationalisation through a dedicated center that will become a hub for activities and that will host the training activities. The centers will be equipped with technology that will enable them to become virtual learning hubs and global classrooms, allowing for collaborative learning and networking.
  • Developing a toolkit on strategies and initiatives for Internationalisation will provide universities from across Pakistan with practical examples and ideas to implement some or all the initiatives of the project.


1. Professor Sajjad Ahmed Madani (PhD) PI
2. Mr. Fazal ur RehmanManager Center for Internationalisation
3.Mr. Rashid MukhtarAward Referee
4. Mr. Malik SikandarSystem Assistant
5.Mr. Shoukat IqbalAssitant